Stop fixing on it
February 2018-
Dropped to one star since I had to delete and reload the game twice in a month. It is the only app that has this trouble.
September 2017- rev. A
Moved to four stars. Notifications seem to work now (although they did not seem to work when I first updated.)
Game seems stable. Load time are better.
Still cannot see move list after a game has ended. This is why I cannot give five stars.
September 2017
The latest version seems more stable, load times have not been as bad. But it is too early to tell for sure.
Notifications seem to be working now.
I will give this latest version a few more weeks, if I do not have to reload and it does not hang when loading I may bump my review up a few stars.
May 2017
Still broken. Still needs constant reloading from the app store. Still no notifications.
Clunky interface. Slow to load.
Latest update April2017
Notifications are still broken. Still have to delete and re-install weekly. Each update breaks MORE things.
This game worked much better a year ago.
Wish I could give zero or negative stars.
Latest update Feb2017
Notifications have stopped working. Once a game has completed I can no longer see the moves list or read the chat log. Still have to re-install occasionally, and still taking way too long to load and connect. The amount of data that needs to be exchanged between the server and the app is trivial. WHY is this app so slow?
Review down to one star, since the latest updates broke more things than they fixed.
Latest update Nov2016
Game hangs waiting for updates. I have to delete it and reinstall every couple of weeks.
Latest update 1May2016:
The program is still a resource pig, I have to shut all other apps on my iPad to get it to load. It still takes a long time to load... odd since this is a dedicated app with local storage.
It would be nice to be able to see the moves list after the game ends. The moves list become inaccessible as soon as someone goes out.
Update on the latest version.
The network is much better now, I have increased my rating by one star.
The app seems to be a pig, I have to close most other apps on my ipad to get it to load. I do not like the new trash talking notifications, a simple "such and such has played" would do.
The screen seems cluttered, and I do not like the board sliding back and forth. I wish they would quit changing the fonts, they are not bad, but they are no better. I find the constant tweaking annoying.
This is an update to my old review. The network issues are getting bad so I have removed 3 stars.
The app takes a long time to "update" nearly every time I open it. It often will not connect with Facebook to retrieve current games without multiple tries. Lastly, the app crashes instantly on my iPad Air unless I have nearly every other app is closed. Scrabble is not a complicated game to run on a computer and the amount of server data is minimal. What the heck is this app doing?
The pop up ads on the paid version are gone for now, so I have added several more stars to my rating.
There are several minor issues that still need work. I was unable to play with friends outside the USA last time I tried. The licensing folks need to work some sort of deal to allow this. Notifications and player status do not always automatically update for some reason. I do not understand the "muting" of the chat feature, this is lawyer stuff I am sure, but I told the app my age so the mute should not be on be default.
The dev team seems to break as much stuff as they fix, the design team seems to improve about as much stuff as they ruin. But after years, they finally have a fairly well polished app. I will give it five stars in hopes that they leave it alone!
The app itself is quite good. I like the teach mode, computer game play is good, I like the ability to select dictionaries and I love playing with friends, family, and even random opponents. I wish it had the ability to bluff, but I understand the difficulty of implementing such a feature.
The reason for the low rating is the pop up ads that started with the last update. I bought the paid version to avoid the pop up ads. I feel cheated.
I would also add that it has recently been unavailable for two weeks.
Ghost fare about SCRABBLE Premium for iPad, v5.24.0