Latest feedback 2017, a year after the comments following: I am more and more depending on sending bluetooth audio to sound bars or home assistants from the same device I am using for Scrabble. For some reason entering the Scrabble app interferes with, stops, or reduces the volume of the feed. 2016: One added point of feedback to earlier review: why bother with capitalizing the first letter of the word in the box for checking validity before playing the word? We cant use proper nouns, so why add the capitalization? This was added to the later versions; it didnt start out that way.
Every upgrade seems to add annoyances, hindrances, obfuscations and takes away the little things like convenient placement of features on the board, the exquisite happy smile of the teacher, and others. I dont care to continue to "tell" it that I dont want to share, or play with random opponents, or even which dictionary to use every time there is an upgrade. The latest version dumps me completely out of the app every time I complete a game and ask for a rematch.
pegduke about
SCRABBLE Premium for iPad, v5.18.1